380 research outputs found

    A Meiotic Tapas Menu

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    this past fall (September 13-18), the 7th European Meiosis Meeting held in San Lorenzo de El Escorial brought us'Meiosis in Madrid.''This is a sister conference to the Gordon Meiosis series held every other year in the United States, and is an international small-format forum for sharing hot, new results, with an emphasis on unpublished work. At the conference, 21 countries were represented by 167 participants, with a nearly equal split between male and female scientists. The aim of the meeting was to present and promote in-depth discussions about all aspects of meiotic chromosome dynamics, recombination, and segregation. Rather than providing a comprehensive description of the meeting abstracts, this report will briefly describe meeting highlights, guided in large part by feedback from session chairs

    Developmental Role and Regulation of cortex, a Meiosis-Specific Anaphase-Promoting Complex/Cyclosome Activator

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    During oogenesis in metazoans, the meiotic divisions must be coordinated with development of the oocyte to ensure successful fertilization and subsequent embryogenesis. The ways in which the mitotic machinery is specialized for meiosis are not fully understood. cortex, which encodes a putative female meiosis-specific anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) activator, is required for proper meiosis in Drosophila. We demonstrate that CORT physically associates with core subunits of the APC/C in ovaries. APC/CCORT targets Cyclin A for degradation prior to the metaphase I arrest, while Cyclins B and B3 are not targeted until after egg activation. We investigate the regulation of CORT and find that CORT protein is specifically expressed during the meiotic divisions in the oocyte. Polyadenylation of cort mRNA is correlated with appearance of CORT protein at oocyte maturation, while deadenylation of cort mRNA occurs in the early embryo. CORT protein is targeted for degradation by the APC/C following egg activation, and this degradation is dependent on an intact D-box in the C terminus of CORT. Our studies reveal the mechanism for developmental regulation of an APC/C activator and suggest it is one strategy for control of the female meiotic cell cycle in a multicellular organism

    Juxtaposition of heterozygous and homozygous regions causes reciprocal crossover remodelling via interference during Arabidopsis meiosis

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    During meiosis homologous chromosomes undergo crossover recombination. Sequence differences between homologs can locally inhibit crossovers. Despite this, nucleotide diversity and population-scaled recombination are positively correlated in eukaryote genomes. To investigate interactions between heterozygosity and recombination we crossed Arabidopsis lines carrying fluorescent crossover reporters to 32 diverse accessions and observed hybrids with significantly higher and lower crossovers than homozygotes. Using recombinant populations derived from these crosses we observed that heterozygous regions increase crossovers when juxtaposed with homozygous regions, which reciprocally decrease. Total crossovers measured by chiasmata were unchanged when heterozygosity was varied, consistent with homeostatic control. We tested the effects of heterozygosity in mutants where the balance of interfering and non-interfering crossover repair is altered. Crossover remodeling at homozygosity-heterozygosity junctions requires interference, and non-interfering repair is inefficient in heterozygous regions. As a consequence, heterozygous regions show stronger crossover interference. Our findings reveal how varying homolog polymorphism patterns can shape meiotic recombination.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.03708.001eLife digestThe genomes of plants and animals consist of several long DNA molecules that are called chromosomes. Most organisms carry two copies of each chromosome: one inherited from each parent. This means that an individual has two copies of each gene. Some of these gene copies may be identical (known as ‘homozygous’), but other gene copies will have sequence differences (or be ‘heterozygous’).The sex cells (eggs and sperm) that pass half of each parent's genes on to its offspring are made in a process called meiosis. Before the pairs of each chromosome are separated to make two new sex cells, sections of genetic material can be swapped between a chromosome-pair to produce chromosomes with unique combinations of genetic material.The ‘crossover’ events that cause the genetic material to be swapped are less likely to happen in sections of chromosomes that contain heterozygous genes. However, in a whole population of organisms, the exchange of genetic material between pairs of chromosomes tends to be higher when there are more genetic differences present.Here, Ziolkowski et al. sought to understand these two seemingly contradictory phenomena by studying crossover events during meiosis in a plant known as Arabidopsis. The plants were genetically modified to carry fluorescent proteins that mark when and where crossovers occur. Ziolkowski et al. cross-bred these plants with 32 other varieties of Arabidopsis. The experiments show that some of these ‘hybrid’ plants had higher numbers of crossover events than plants produced from two genetically identical parents, but other hybrid plants had lower numbers of crossovers.Ziolkowski et al. found that crossovers are more common between heterozygous regions that are close to homozygous regions on the same chromosome. The boundaries between these identical and non-identical regions are important for determining where crossovers take place. The experiments also show that the heterozygous regions have higher levels of interference—where one crossover event prevents other crossover events from happening nearby on the chromosome. In future, using chromosomes with varying patterns of heterozygosity may shed light on how this interference works.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.03708.00

    Consent and Internet-Enabled Human Genomics

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    This month, PLoS Genetics is publishing an article from the company 23andMe reporting the first genome-wide association studies (GWAS) on multiple traits ascertained by self-reported information provided through the Internet from over 10,000 participants who pay the company for providing whole genome genotypes. The paper passed through scientific review by a panel of three experts relatively quickly and is sure to attract the attention of anyone with freckles, curly hair, or an aversion to asparagus. Novel associations are described for four intrinsically interesting traits (out of 22 considered), while known associations with hair and eye color are replicated in a dynamic data-gathering context. Additionally, intriguing observations on the interaction between genetic self-knowledge and self-report of phenotypes are described. The implications of the successful application of this Internet-enabled approach to GWAS research were considered to be more than sufficient to warrant publication in the journal

    The Role of AtMUS81 in Interference-Insensitive Crossovers in A. thaliana

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    MUS81 is conserved among plants, animals, and fungi and is known to be involved in mitotic DNA damage repair and meiotic recombination. Here we present a functional characterization of the Arabidopsis thaliana homolog AtMUS81, which has a role in both mitotic and meiotic cells. The AtMUS81 transcript is produced in all tissues, but is elevated greater than 9-fold in the anthers and its levels are increased in response to gamma radiation and methyl methanesulfonate treatment. An Atmus81 transfer-DNA insertion mutant shows increased sensitivity to a wide range of DNA-damaging agents, confirming its role in mitotically proliferating cells. To examine its role in meiosis, we employed a pollen tetrad–based visual assay. Data from genetic intervals on Chromosomes 1 and 3 show that Atmus81 mutants have a moderate decrease in meiotic recombination. Importantly, measurements of recombination in a pair of adjacent intervals on Chromosome 5 demonstrate that the remaining crossovers in Atmus81 are interference sensitive, and that interference levels in the Atmus81 mutant are significantly greater than those in wild type. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that AtMUS81 is involved in a secondary subset of meiotic crossovers that are interference insensitive

    Detection of genomic variations and DNA polymorphisms and impact on analysis of meiotic recombination and genetic mapping

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    Genetic analyses require allelic markers, which are often DNA polymorphisms and can be analyzed by using short reads from high-throughput sequencing. Therefore, accuracy in genetic studies depends on correct identification of DNA polymorphic markers, but genomic structural variants increase the complexity of allelic detection and must be carefully accounted for to avoid errors. Here, we examine potential mistakes in single-nucleotide polymorphism calling caused by structural variants and their impact on detecting meiotic recombination events. Our results demonstrate that it is crucial to examine structural variants in genetic analysis with DNA marker detection by using short reads, with implications for a wide range of genetic analyses

    Arabidopsis Cell Division Cycle 20.1 Is Required for Normal Meiotic Spindle Assembly and Chromosome Segregation

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    Cell division requires proper spindle assembly; a surveillance pathway, the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC), monitors whether the spindle is normal and correctly attached to kinetochores. The SAC proteins regulate mitotic chromosome segregation by affecting CDC20 (Cell Division Cycle 20) function. However, it is unclear whether CDC20 regulates meiotic spindle assembly and proper homolog segregation. Here, we show that the Arabidopsis thaliana CDC20.1 gene is indispensable for meiosis and male fertility. We demonstrate that cdc20.1 meiotic chromosomes align asynchronously and segregate unequally and the metaphase I spindle has aberrant morphology. Comparison of the distribution of meiotic stages at different time points between the wild type and cdc20.1 reveals a delay of meiotic progression from diakinesis to anaphase I. Furthermore, cdc20.1 meiocytes exhibit an abnormal distribution of a histone H3 phosphorylation mark mediated by the Aurora kinase, providing evidence that CDC20.1 regulates Aurora localization for meiotic chromosome segregation. Further evidence that CDC20.1 and Aurora are functionally related was provided by meiosis-specific knockdown of At-Aurora1 expression, resulting in meiotic chromosome segregation defects similar to those of cdc20.1. Taken together, these results suggest a critical role for CDC20.1 in SAC-dependent meiotic chromosome segregation

    Editorial: Meiosis in plants: sexual reproduction, genetic variation and crop improvement

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    Meiosis is essential for sexual reproduction and required for the formation of sperm and egg; its central events are the associations between homologous chromosomes (homologs), including pairing, synapsis, recombination and segregation. During recombination, the exchange of DNA between homologs results in new allelic combinations between the parents and offspring and among individual progeny (Wang and Copenhaver, 2018). This genetic variation is the foundation for biodiversity and speciation. The phenotypic diversity that results from genetic variation is also used to develop new elite traits during commercial plant and animal breeding practices. Thus, understanding the molecular mechanisms drive and regulate plant meiosis can accelerate crop improvement, and provide a theoretical foundation for the development and maintenance of new agricultural varieties
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